Purpose: to provide both women and men with sufficient information and knowledge to allow them to farm poultry in a commercial and semi-commercial way, and to decide if they can make money out of the venture.
Objectives: to learn about all aspects of raising poultry for their meat and eggs. Then to develop a business plan which will show them if they can make money out of a poultry farming enterprise operation in their country or region under the present conditions.
Course: there will be trainers who will guide the participants through all aspects of producing poultry. There will be ‘hands on’ practical work, visual demonstrations and a manual that will have diagrams, photographs and illustrations. Towards the end of the course, commercial poultry production will be dealt with in two specialised areas: 1. For meat (broiler) production and 2. For egg production.
Small scale commercial broiler enterprise
There is no point in setting up a farming venture unless it can be sustained; that is, it can survive over the long term. Therefore it is essential to make a survey in which key questions must first be answered honestly before the farmer decides to launch into a poultry enterprise in which he or she will have to invest time and precious money.
It is assumed that all trainees have a particular interest, but little information, in setting up a poultry enterprise on a commercial or semi-commercial scale and are here to learn some basic management skills. It is only from practice and experience that the farmer will become an efficient poultry producer and this course forms the foundations of a successful poultry enterprise.
The other important aspect is that the farming of poultry must not harm the environment by polluting water ways with plastic bags, poultry waste or chemicals used in the farming industry for example. Each one of us has the responsibility to protect and improve the land we farm.
Any poultry farm will usually be part of a farming system (vegetables, plantation crops, gardens, special crops, trees, other livestock) and all parts must be catered for and must not be compromised. In other words a new poultry venture will likely be part of the existing system.
(a) Your first task is to introduce yourself and give us some information on your background. We would like to know what you do, why you are here and a little about your village and family
(b) Now that we know a little about you I will tell you a bit about myself
(c) I am sure that you may have some questions to ask. These may relate to the course or to any other matter. So please ask them
1.1 What will I learn from this course?
At the end of the course you should understand the basic facts about keeping poultry for egg production and meat production.
You should have a good knowledge of
their housing
the different systems of how chickens are kept
their feeding and management
health and hygiene
poultry farming is a business. It is essential to have a business plan
the importance of forming a poultry cooperative or forming an association of producers with the same interests in poultry production
1.2 Why keep chickens?
Can you make a list of reasons why people keep chickens? There are at least 6 reasons although not all of them apply to your particular situation. Write down what you think here and we will discuss them.
I will add some of the most important reasons that relate particularly to the health of your children.
Chicken meat and eggs contain special proteins that:
Allow your children to grow strong Allow their brain to develop so that they will be clever at school
Allow pregnant mothers to produce healthy babies and to breast feed them
Allow children to be healthy and not to catch cold and coughs
Eggs and meat also contain vitamins and minerals that are essential in your diet
If you decide to raise poultry always remember to keep some meat and eggs for your own family to eat
1.3 The business of poultry farming
There are many small farmers that are making money out of raising meat birds (broilers) in developing countries. They buy day-old chicks from chick breeders who may be far away and usually sell them live after 7-8 weeks. They also buy their feed in from the nearest feed mill. This may be a long way away and this will mean that feed is expensive. They will need to sell their broilers at a high price.
Because of long distances, and because of unreliable transport, sometimes some chicks arrive sick or dead. If there are enough producers, they can form a co-operative and may be able to establish a small poultry hatchery (see section 14). This will help to make chicken meat production sustainable. A depot can be set up to purchase and store large amounts of feed to sell to the poultry keepers at a cheaper price. Egg producers may also benefit from such an arrangement.
Producing eggs is more difficult than broilers. The day-old chicks are very expensive and you have to wait more than 18 weeks before the hen will lay an egg. They are not easy to rear as they must be grown slowly and according to a plan. They also need to have good housing and nest boxes so there is a higher initial capital cost than growing meat birds. There is usually a shortage of eggs in villages and they may have to be transported long distances to customers so there is often great opportunity to farm commercial hens starting with a few and then expanding. The customer can purchase a few eggs at a time so the financial outlay is less than buying a broiler chicken.
There may be opportunity for commercial egg production by starting in a small way. We will talk about this later
When you finish this course, we plan to be able to help you with your chicks, their feed supply and the trainers will be able to give you advice. You will see during the course that there are different ways to keep laying hens and broiler chickens
1.4 Background information
You will need to look at all aspects of commercial poultry production before you decide to become a poultry farmer
This means that you will have to seek out information in a survey
On the basis of this information you will make a business plan. This will tell you how much money you can expect to make (or lose) each year
A good business plan will allow you to go to the bank to borrow money to get your commercial poultry farm started
You will not start with a feasibility study now but towards the end of the course when you will know more about poultry and what farming poultry entails. But you should look at this from time to time throughout the course at the questions that need to be answered so that you can gather the necessary information.
End of Unit I
the nest should have a 2 cm layer of sand then 2 - 3 cm of litter on top at day 21 eggs will hatch out
Half will be females. The farmer must decide what to do with the males. They will grow much slower than broiler chickens but can be given a lower - quality feed than broilers after 3 - 4 weeks of age. It still may not be profitable to grow and sell them. Mother and chicks must be kept separate from the main flock of adult hens until about 4-5 weeks old.
9.2 Artificial incubation
A reliable power supply is essential for satisfactory egg incubation. A thermostat is needed to control the temperature at 39.5 oC and the relative humidity needs to be > 50%. Small-scale poultry breeders have successfully built small incubators to hatch 50 - 100 fertile eggs. A light bulb (s), controlled by a thermostat, provides heat although heating coils are also used. A tray of water on the floor of the brooder keeps the humidity above 50%. The eggs are turned 3 - 4 times a day. Ideally this should be done by marking the egg so that one complete turn is achieved each day but the eggs should not be rotated end to end.
A homemade incubator
Paraffin or kerosene incubators used to be common many years ago. Heating is provided by a burning wick in a lamp similar to a conventional kerosene lamp for lighting purposes. The warm air is flowing constantly into and out of the incubator chamber. A damper controls the amount of warm air that enters or escapes from the chamber to outside is set manually once the temperature has stabalised at 39.5 oC at egg level so there is always need for an accurate thermometer.
9.3 Pullets
They are usually raised indoors in the same way as broilers. They grow slowly and may need brooding until 4-6 weeks old. They are then given more space than broiler chickens. If there is an out doors fenced area, they can go there during the day.
They should be given 500 g of broiler starter feed for the first 4-6 weeks. When this feed is used up it is replaced with a lower-quality pullet-rearing diet until 17 weeks of age. They are then given a layer diet which is high in calcium (3%) and phosphorous (0.5%). This is needed so that they can lay eggs with hard shells. Pullets will now be transferred to their layer house as they will shortly come into lay.
9.4 Battery cages
can hold 1-5 hens per cage (50 x 40 cm x 45 cm high for each hen)
are expensive but can be made from local material
hens may peck one another and may need to have their beaks trimmed (a specialized job)
can scratch one another if claws are long with loss of feathers from the back
must be given a high-quality layer diet
will lay more eggs and eat less feed than hens in any other housed system
may be in future welfare issues as birds have little space. This worries the public
9.4.1 Small scale semi-commercial cage unit
This is designed for a household wanting to keep only a few hens and have eggs for their family and to sell
a single cage unit of 3 compartments holding 12 layers. See trainer’s manual (10.3.1)
cage on legs or on a stand or legs constructed cheaply from bamboo
can be moved easily out of rain and bad weather to a safe place
thatched roof or without a roof if kept under cover
bamboo feeders and home-made drinkers (see illustrations 4.1, 4.2)
hens must receive high-quality feed to lay 9 - 10 eggs /day
system sustainable if 5 eggs sold and 4 - 5 eggs consumed by the household
money from egg sales is used to buy more feed
hens sold after 12 months for eating or force moulted (see section 9.7 )
money from egg and hen sales used to buy replacement birds or layer chicks and grown to pullets but starting these 20 weeks before selling old hens
9.5 Barn hens
hens kept indoors and on the floor with adequate floor space
house must be well constructed and safe from thieves
feeders, drinkers, perches and nest boxes must be provided
floor litter is necessary and later used for fertilizer or compost on gardens
some eggs will be laid on the floor and some of these will get dirty(should be cleaned)
green feed (grass, cassava, sweet potato tops) can be given to hens
9.6 Free range
similar to the barn system except allowed outside
need a docile (quiet) breed who will not fly over the surrounding fence
hens are allowed to scavenge in a secure outdoor enclosure during the day
allowed to go indoors at any time. Floor space 7 - 8 hens per square metre
locked up at night
house similar to that for barn hens with nest boxes, drinkers and feeders
Drinkers are also provided in the outside enclosed area. Space per bird in the house is a little less than for barn hens
Advantage: free range system is that hens can scavenge for some of their feed and pick up some essential nutrients. Hens need green feed and there should be two separate outdoor pens which can be rotated. One will be rested to allow the grass to grow back. Sunlight provides birds with vitamin D.