
Village poultry are especially at risk because they are outside and may be in contact with wild birds and other poultry species (ducks, geese).


Feed is 60-70% of the costs of producing commercial poultry.
 Feed is the major constraint (difficulty) to producing poultry in developing countries
 Compounded (mixed) feed is expensive. There may be no feed mill and mixed feed is not readily available in many regions.
 Feed may have to come a long distance and probably will be very expensive and unreliable so you have to order well in advance.
Often, only very few suitable ingredients (feedstuffs) are produced in the country and most are imported.
Fish meal (rarely) or fish waste, also palm kernel meal, brewery waste, copra meal, wheat bran and rice bran, broken rice may be available. But these are largely inadequate for formulating a high – quality, commercial poultry diet especially for broilers
Feed ingredients are mixed according to a special recipe to provide a balanced diet
 Baby chicks need a feed of the highest quality. That is one that is especially high in good quality protein (e.g. soybean meal, fishmeal) to match the protein found in meat and eggs
 Chicks also need a source of feed energy (wheat bran, cassava, cereal grains) to make them grow well
 Chicks also need other nutrients (minerals and vitamins) but only in small amounts
 A specialist person formulates (puts together) diets suitable for chickens. That person should also give you good advice on what to and how to feed your poultry
If some feedstuffs are available locally, farmers who receive the right advice may want to mix their own ingredients
First there is a need to get in a stock of the raw materials (ingredients). You will need to weigh out the ingredients or have containers which will
Chickens are fragile and can get sick very easily especially when young
There are two major sources of disease.
Diet if not correctly formulated can result in the bird getting a metabolic disease due to a nutrient deficiency (vitamins or minerals) in the diet
Other diseases are caused by minute organisms called bacteria and viruses. It is often necessary to treat the chicks as soon as they hatch with a vaccine which allows them to resist the disease if it occurs. This is normally done at the hatchery. Newcastle disease is present in many countries and chickens need to be vaccinated more than once (see section 7.1)
Remember that “prevention is better than cure!”
 Many diseases can be prevented by keeping your poultry house very clean
 Overcrowding of birds can cause disease
 Do not allow other poultry on to your farm (e.g. neighbour’s scavenging chickens)
 Do not allow other poultry farmers to enter your shed
 Place a foot bath with a disinfectant in it or limestone outside the door of your poultry house
 Have a special pair of boots/shoes that you will use only when you are working in your poultry house
 Leave sufficient time between batches of birds to clean the house and get rid of diseases that need to have a bird (host) to survive
Remove old litter, dirty bags and contaminated rubbish and dump them far away but in a responsible place that will not contaminate the environment
 Discard damp, old feed. It can grow mould which can produce toxins. They can kill or make your chickens sick
 All in-all out systems in which all birds are the same age help to reduce disease out breaks
External parasites such as mites, lice and fleas can make your poultry feel uncomfortable. This will affect their growth rate and egg production
 Insecticides are used to treat the infected birds. A dust bath will also help to reduce these external parasites
 Internal parasites such as different worms and minute protozoa causing coccidiosis can be prevented by medication
 This is done routinely by adding a coccidiostat to the mixed feed for broilers
Remove immediately sick birds and bury dead birds.
Never eat or sell sick birds; they will make your family and others ill
7.1 Newcastle disease
There are two diseases that are particularly dangerous in many low-income countries. Newcastle disease (ND) is endemic (always there) in many countries and becomes active particularly at the start of the wet season. It can wipe out entire village flocks although a few individual birds often do survive. There are now ND vaccines that will withstand the heat for a short period (thermostable) of time. Vaccination is most effective by eye drop and birds should be vaccinated a month before expected outbreaks by a trained person. There is also a need to treat the birds at intervals through out their life. This is a specialised area and the poultry keeper will need help from experts but it is well worth the effort and the vaccine is not expensive.
7.2 Avian influenza
The H5N1 strain of highly pathogenic avian influenza (bird ’flu) is particularly dangerous not only because it can infect different poultry species and wild birds but it can also kill humans. Village poultry are especially at risk because they are outside and may be in contact with wild birds and other poultry species (ducks, geese). The disease spreads rapidly through the poultry flock.
The virus can be spread by eating infected birds and can kill the consumer particularly if she/he is young. Household poultry keepers should keep themselves informed about the situation in relation to bird ‘flu as it often appears at particular times in the year.
We will now discuss the two specialised areas of commercial (intensive) poultry production: broiler (meat) production first and then egg production.

  • Pig industry sustains livelihoods of many families in Kenya. Pig rearing has been one of wellestablishedindustry in Kenya following growing export markets and increasing number of health conscious consumers. Pig production if efficiently managed has great potentials for increasing protein supply in Kenya. Smallholder pig farms in Tharaka-Nithi County have been facing varying and dismal profits. The main objective of this study will be to establish which institutional arrangements and management factors affect the profit efficiency of small-holder pig farmers in Tharaka-Nithi County. A multi-stage purposive sampling technique will be adopted to collect cross sectional data of eighty (80) smallholder pig farmers in Maara Constituency by the use of semi-structured interview schedules. The work will employ Data Envelopment Analysis to come up with profit efficiency rankings among the farmers and stochastic frontier profit function will be used to analyze the factors that affect profit efficiency. The data will be processed using STATA and DEA Frontier packages. The findings could be useful to the stakeholders of the pig industry sub sector to formulate policies pertaining to pig enterprise inputs, marketing issues and financial products and also can establish benchmarks which can be used as a package for enhancing and stabilizing profit efficiencies of smallholder pig farmers which in turn could help improve the Kenya economy. An Overview of Livestock Sub-sector in Kenya Perspectives, Opportunities and Innovations for Market Access for Market Access for Pastoral Producers Recent statistics point that the livestock sub-sector in Kenya accounts for approximately 10% of the National Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This is 30% of the agricultural GDP. It employs about 50% of the national agricultural workforce and about 90% of the ASAL workforce. 95% of ASAL household income comes from this sub-sector. This is despite the fact that the sector receives only 1 % of the total annual budget allocation. The livestock resource base is estimated at 60 million units comprising of 29 million indigenous and exotic chicken, 10 million beef cattle, 3 million dairy and dairy crosses, 9 million goats, 7 million sheep, 0.8 mi camels, 0.52 mi donkeys and 0.3 million pigs. (Strategy for Revitalizing Agriculture (SRA) 2003) Kenya is broadly self-sufficient in most livestock products but is a net importer of red meat mostly inform of on-the-hoof animals trekked across the porous boundaries of neighbouring countries- Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Uganda and Tanzania. Livestock supply in Kenya results from a complex set of interactions between Kenya and its neighbours and the traditional Middle East market and their respective livestock populations, demand and market prices. Kenya is part of a regional market where livestock flow according to markets and price differentials in a liberalized system throughout the region as a whole and where Nairobi represents a focus of demand for the region Supply of red-meat from domestic cattle, shoats and camels falls short of demand, and is almost permanently augmented by a traditional livestock trade drawn in from neighbouring countries, especially Somalia, Tanzania, Sudan and Ethiopia in varying quantities according to demand, which maintains a supply/demand [1.6MB]SIJAAMINI WEMA SEPETU ANACHOKIFAYA HAPO KWENYE HII VIDEO BOFYA UONE
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