
VIDEO: This is a continuation of incidents of theft of electronic cards IN BANKING made by one man in ATM stations in the country.


TS23 (EC)v02en_Poultry breeding

TS23 (EC)v02en_Poultry breeding
Guidelines no. 23:
Rules for organic poultry production
in accordance with EU Regulation
(EC) no.834/2007 and (EC) no.889/2008
TS23 (EC)v02en_Poultry breeding

I. Scope
The poultry species covered by European Regulation are listed in Annex III of
(EC) Regulation 889/08:
 Laying hens
 Fattening poultry : chicken (broiler), guinea fowl, goose, duck and turkey
Species which are not covered by European Regulation may be awarded organic
certification if recognised national or private rules exist in the Member States. In
France, for example, this applies to ostriches.
II. Conversion
A. Definition
The conversion to organic farming corresponds to the transition phase between
conventional agriculture and the « organic farming » designation.
The conversion period starts once :
 All the breeding requirements stated in (EC) Regulation 834/07 (arts.11 and
14) and (EC) Regulation 889/08 (arts. 8 to 25) are met (housing, feeding,
disease prevention…).
 The operator has submitted his holding to the control system and notified his
organic activity to his competent authority.
Conversion period
Runs 12 months or 6 months (with no other possible
reduction) if the land concerned has not received
disallowed treatments during the last year
Fattening poultry 10 weeks
Laying hens 6 weeks
NB: Refer to chapter « V. Purchasing animals » on requirements for introducing
non-organic animals into the holding.
B. Examples of conversion
NB: Animals may be wholly fed on in-conversion feedingstuffs (meaning starting
from the 12th month of conversion of the land used to produce the feed) if the
feed originates solely from the holding.
TS23 (EC)v02en_Poultry breeding

Non-simultaneous conversion:
12-month pasture conversion:
Start of runs conversion
 Start of conversion for
01/05/2010 01/05/2011
6 or 10 -week
conversion for
Pasture conversion reduced to 6 months:
Start of runs conversion Start of conversion for animals
01/05/10 01/11/10
6 or 10 -
for poultry

Simultaneous conversion of land and animals over 24 months is not
« economically » beneficial in poultry production, when compared with nonsimultaneous
III. Mixed operations
A. Definition:
“Mixed operations” means that one or several types of animal are reared
simultaneously on the same holding, organically and conventionally. This
duplication may be temporarily tolerated under specific conditions or prohibited
in some cases.
TS23 (EC)v02en_Poultry breeding

B. General rules:
A single animal species may not be reared organically and conventionally
simultaneously on the same farm (even if the organic and conventional units are
completely separate).
Special cases Conditions
Possible diversity of different
Clear separation of buildings and runs
Example : organic chickens and conventional
guinea fowl
Holdings carrying out agricultural
research or formal education :
completely separate).
Special cases Conditions
Possible diversity of different
Clear separation of buildings and runs
Example : organic chickens and conventional
guinea fowl
Holdings carrying out agricultural
research or formal education :
rearing the same species
organically and conventionally
Possibly subject to prior agreement of project
IV. Identification and transport
A. Identification documents
Poultry must be identified individually or by batch.
Livestock records should be kept at all times, be made available to the control
body and include the following details:
 animals entries (origin, number, conversion period, veterinary history,
identification marks)
 animals leaving (age, number, destination, identification mark)
 any animal losses and the causes thereof
 feeding
 disease prevention, treatment and veterinary care
B. Transporting animals
Animal transportation time should be reduced to limit stress and maintain their
welfare conditions.
Identification of the animals and their products must be ensured at all stages of
production, preparation (slaughter, cutting up), transport and marketing.
The use of allopathic tranquilisers before and during transportation is prohibited.
TS23 (EC)v02en_Poultry breeding
  • Pig industry sustains livelihoods of many families in Kenya. Pig rearing has been one of wellestablishedindustry in Kenya following growing export markets and increasing number of health conscious consumers. Pig production if efficiently managed has great potentials for increasing protein supply in Kenya. Smallholder pig farms in Tharaka-Nithi County have been facing varying and dismal profits. The main objective of this study will be to establish which institutional arrangements and management factors affect the profit efficiency of small-holder pig farmers in Tharaka-Nithi County. A multi-stage purposive sampling technique will be adopted to collect cross sectional data of eighty (80) smallholder pig farmers in Maara Constituency by the use of semi-structured interview schedules. The work will employ Data Envelopment Analysis to come up with profit efficiency rankings among the farmers and stochastic frontier profit function will be used to analyze the factors that affect profit efficiency. The data will be processed using STATA and DEA Frontier packages. The findings could be useful to the stakeholders of the pig industry sub sector to formulate policies pertaining to pig enterprise inputs, marketing issues and financial products and also can establish benchmarks which can be used as a package for enhancing and stabilizing profit efficiencies of smallholder pig farmers which in turn could help improve the Kenya economy. An Overview of Livestock Sub-sector in Kenya Perspectives, Opportunities and Innovations for Market Access for Market Access for Pastoral Producers Recent statistics point that the livestock sub-sector in Kenya accounts for approximately 10% of the National Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This is 30% of the agricultural GDP. It employs about 50% of the national agricultural workforce and about 90% of the ASAL workforce. 95% of ASAL household income comes from this sub-sector. This is despite the fact that the sector receives only 1 % of the total annual budget allocation. The livestock resource base is estimated at 60 million units comprising of 29 million indigenous and exotic chicken, 10 million beef cattle, 3 million dairy and dairy crosses, 9 million goats, 7 million sheep, 0.8 mi camels, 0.52 mi donkeys and 0.3 million pigs. (Strategy for Revitalizing Agriculture (SRA) 2003) Kenya is broadly self-sufficient in most livestock products but is a net importer of red meat mostly inform of on-the-hoof animals trekked across the porous boundaries of neighbouring countries- Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Uganda and Tanzania. Livestock supply in Kenya results from a complex set of interactions between Kenya and its neighbours and the traditional Middle East market and their respective livestock populations, demand and market prices. Kenya is part of a regional market where livestock flow according to markets and price differentials in a liberalized system throughout the region as a whole and where Nairobi represents a focus of demand for the region Supply of red-meat from domestic cattle, shoats and camels falls short of demand, and is almost permanently augmented by a traditional livestock trade drawn in from neighbouring countries, especially Somalia, Tanzania, Sudan and Ethiopia in varying quantities according to demand, which maintains a supply/demand [1.6MB]SIJAAMINI WEMA SEPETU ANACHOKIFAYA HAPO KWENYE HII VIDEO BOFYA UONE
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