
RICH GANGS GROUP Which Was led by the husband of Zari the late Ivan Semwanga (Ivandon)Throwing money at the grave of their friend to show that money is not worth more than their friends!


Poultry Farming Controlled Environment (35,000 Birds)
Poultry sector is one of the effervescent segments of Agriculture Industry in Pakistan. This sector generates employment and income for about 1.5 million people. Its contribution in agriculture growth is 4.81% and in Livestock growth 9.84%. Poultry meat contributes 19% of the total meat production in the country. * The current investment on poultry industry is above Rs. 200 billion. Poultry sector has shown a robust growth at the rate of 8-10% annually which reflects its inherent potential. Share of poultry meat in beef and mutton and production of commercial and rural poultry for the last three years are given below in Table I & 2, respectively.
The daily availability of protein quantity per capita in Pakistan amounts to 13.6 gram, deriving from animal source including beef, mutton, poultry and fish. According to the World Health Organization standards the required daily dietary protein allowance from animal source is 27 grams whereas we have much less than this. In our Country per capita consumption of meat is only 5 kg and 40-45 eggs annually whereas developed countries are consuming 41 kg meat and over 300 Eggs per capita per year (Pakistan Poultry Association; . In Pakistan the consumption of white meat has gradually increased in recent years due to growing health awareness in masses. The cheapest source of animal protein available in Pakistan is broiler meat. Broiler birds are reared in lesser time than any other source of animal protein. Day Old Chicks (DOCs) are raised on high protein feed for about six weeks in Controlled Environment. The increasing demand of white meat in market has made it a profitable business enterprise. Approximately, six flocks of birds could be reared on the same premises of the farm. DOCs are purchased from private hatcheries and mature in brooding, on rice-husk or saw-dust providing specific requirement during first four weeks and then grown-up for grand growth since sixth week to attain about two kg weight. In controlled environment the temperature, feed and drinking system is operated automatically and monitored by the trained staff. The broiler house is given 15 days for the preparation to receive the new flock after marketing of broiler about at age of six weeks. Prior to the arrival of the new flock proper cleaning, washing, white washing, disinfections and fumigation is performed with recommended chemicals. During flock, strict measures for bio-security are observed at the unit. A According to Industry sources there is capacity of 5,000 Environmental Control Houses in Pakistan and currently 2,500 houses are working, out of which 75% (1,875) are in Punjab and remaining 25% (625) are in other provinces. 2. Project Cost The Controlled Shed Poultry Farm with population of 35,000 birds needs a capital investment estimated at Rs. 19.2 million for construction, purchasing machinery and equipment. In addition to this, a sum of Rs. 5.7 million is required as working capital, which would be used for purchasing day old chicks and other inputs like feed, vaccines, etc. The total project cost is estimated at Rs. 24.9 million. 3. Present Poultry Industry Scenario Grand Parents are imported from Australia, Holland, Germany and USA. These Grand Parents produce Breeders that produce final products which are Broilers, so the generation line of broiler comes from pure line (Strains) i.e. Great Grand Parents. The day old broilers are purchased from hatcheries. Broilers are fed with high nutrition feed mix produced by feed mills. Poultry feed consists of rich protein elements like canola meal, rapeseed meal, sunflower meal,
  • Pig industry sustains livelihoods of many families in Kenya. Pig rearing has been one of wellestablishedindustry in Kenya following growing export markets and increasing number of health conscious consumers. Pig production if efficiently managed has great potentials for increasing protein supply in Kenya. Smallholder pig farms in Tharaka-Nithi County have been facing varying and dismal profits. The main objective of this study will be to establish which institutional arrangements and management factors affect the profit efficiency of small-holder pig farmers in Tharaka-Nithi County. A multi-stage purposive sampling technique will be adopted to collect cross sectional data of eighty (80) smallholder pig farmers in Maara Constituency by the use of semi-structured interview schedules. The work will employ Data Envelopment Analysis to come up with profit efficiency rankings among the farmers and stochastic frontier profit function will be used to analyze the factors that affect profit efficiency. The data will be processed using STATA and DEA Frontier packages. The findings could be useful to the stakeholders of the pig industry sub sector to formulate policies pertaining to pig enterprise inputs, marketing issues and financial products and also can establish benchmarks which can be used as a package for enhancing and stabilizing profit efficiencies of smallholder pig farmers which in turn could help improve the Kenya economy. An Overview of Livestock Sub-sector in Kenya Perspectives, Opportunities and Innovations for Market Access for Market Access for Pastoral Producers Recent statistics point that the livestock sub-sector in Kenya accounts for approximately 10% of the National Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This is 30% of the agricultural GDP. It employs about 50% of the national agricultural workforce and about 90% of the ASAL workforce. 95% of ASAL household income comes from this sub-sector. This is despite the fact that the sector receives only 1 % of the total annual budget allocation. The livestock resource base is estimated at 60 million units comprising of 29 million indigenous and exotic chicken, 10 million beef cattle, 3 million dairy and dairy crosses, 9 million goats, 7 million sheep, 0.8 mi camels, 0.52 mi donkeys and 0.3 million pigs. (Strategy for Revitalizing Agriculture (SRA) 2003) Kenya is broadly self-sufficient in most livestock products but is a net importer of red meat mostly inform of on-the-hoof animals trekked across the porous boundaries of neighbouring countries- Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Uganda and Tanzania. Livestock supply in Kenya results from a complex set of interactions between Kenya and its neighbours and the traditional Middle East market and their respective livestock populations, demand and market prices. Kenya is part of a regional market where livestock flow according to markets and price differentials in a liberalized system throughout the region as a whole and where Nairobi represents a focus of demand for the region Supply of red-meat from domestic cattle, shoats and camels falls short of demand, and is almost permanently augmented by a traditional livestock trade drawn in from neighbouring countries, especially Somalia, Tanzania, Sudan and Ethiopia in varying quantities according to demand, which maintains a supply/demand [1.6MB]SIJAAMINI WEMA SEPETU ANACHOKIFAYA HAPO KWENYE HII VIDEO BOFYA UONE
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