
Music artist of the new generation, known as Ney Emanuel Elibarik has been arrested by police in Morogoro.


C. Competences of business development
Injecting the business development unit with the necessary resources is an important aspect of managing business development effectively. But simply hiring people with a strong track record is not enough.

"Simply hiring people with a strong track record is not enough"
Managing the competences within the unit in coherence with the tasks it is fulfilling is an important part of the management of the business development unit – one that is often overseen. In many cases, people think that by hiring highly capable people, the competences are in place. However, since business development tasks are of such a changeable and complex nature, attention must be put into managing these competences over time and develop them to match the tasks at hand.
C1. Competences of business developers
Even though business development units are often quite small (on average between 2-12 people), their tasks and role in the organisation require that they cover a wide spectrum of competences, ranging from specific knowledge about a market or a specific business process to their ability to manage, engage and interact in large-scale change programmes and with people whose commitment is vital for their own success.
"Business developers must be multi-faceted; they must be analytically skilled and they must be able to manage big projects and communicate with many different kinds of people"
Business developers must be multi-faceted; they must be analytically skilled and they must be able to manage big projects and communicate with many different kinds of people. That is why most business developers have very diverse backgrounds, often with industry experience combined with some sort of consulting experience.

To fulfil the roles as strategists, facilitators and/or executors, the following competences are necessary.
With the diverse range of tasks of business developers, it is impossible for one person to cover all aspects. This is especially true for companies with highly specialized functions. Business developers are not superheroes that can take on many forms to fight the day-to-day battles against evil – nor should they strive to become so. The competences mentioned above are representative of the totality of skills any effective business development unit must possess in some form or shape. The role of the manager is to manage the spectrum of competences so that it matches the tasks that the unit is to carry out.
  • Pig industry sustains livelihoods of many families in Kenya. Pig rearing has been one of wellestablishedindustry in Kenya following growing export markets and increasing number of health conscious consumers. Pig production if efficiently managed has great potentials for increasing protein supply in Kenya. Smallholder pig farms in Tharaka-Nithi County have been facing varying and dismal profits. The main objective of this study will be to establish which institutional arrangements and management factors affect the profit efficiency of small-holder pig farmers in Tharaka-Nithi County. A multi-stage purposive sampling technique will be adopted to collect cross sectional data of eighty (80) smallholder pig farmers in Maara Constituency by the use of semi-structured interview schedules. The work will employ Data Envelopment Analysis to come up with profit efficiency rankings among the farmers and stochastic frontier profit function will be used to analyze the factors that affect profit efficiency. The data will be processed using STATA and DEA Frontier packages. The findings could be useful to the stakeholders of the pig industry sub sector to formulate policies pertaining to pig enterprise inputs, marketing issues and financial products and also can establish benchmarks which can be used as a package for enhancing and stabilizing profit efficiencies of smallholder pig farmers which in turn could help improve the Kenya economy. An Overview of Livestock Sub-sector in Kenya Perspectives, Opportunities and Innovations for Market Access for Market Access for Pastoral Producers Recent statistics point that the livestock sub-sector in Kenya accounts for approximately 10% of the National Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This is 30% of the agricultural GDP. It employs about 50% of the national agricultural workforce and about 90% of the ASAL workforce. 95% of ASAL household income comes from this sub-sector. This is despite the fact that the sector receives only 1 % of the total annual budget allocation. The livestock resource base is estimated at 60 million units comprising of 29 million indigenous and exotic chicken, 10 million beef cattle, 3 million dairy and dairy crosses, 9 million goats, 7 million sheep, 0.8 mi camels, 0.52 mi donkeys and 0.3 million pigs. (Strategy for Revitalizing Agriculture (SRA) 2003) Kenya is broadly self-sufficient in most livestock products but is a net importer of red meat mostly inform of on-the-hoof animals trekked across the porous boundaries of neighbouring countries- Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Uganda and Tanzania. Livestock supply in Kenya results from a complex set of interactions between Kenya and its neighbours and the traditional Middle East market and their respective livestock populations, demand and market prices. Kenya is part of a regional market where livestock flow according to markets and price differentials in a liberalized system throughout the region as a whole and where Nairobi represents a focus of demand for the region Supply of red-meat from domestic cattle, shoats and camels falls short of demand, and is almost permanently augmented by a traditional livestock trade drawn in from neighbouring countries, especially Somalia, Tanzania, Sudan and Ethiopia in varying quantities according to demand, which maintains a supply/demand [1.6MB]SIJAAMINI WEMA SEPETU ANACHOKIFAYA HAPO KWENYE HII VIDEO BOFYA UONE
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